We believe in bold action in service of liberation
... and sometimes that means shaking the table!
We gather around tables to share stories, build relationships, and solve problems. But too often, decisions that impact the lives of the many are made at tables set by the few. Alongside movements for racial, gender, and economic justice, Shake the Table works towards a world where all girls, women, and gender-expansive people have the resources and power to take part in the decisions that shape our lives.
Download our Report
“Lighting the Way: a Report for Philanthropy on the Power & Promise of Feminist Movements” and learn how you can be part of a growing community of philanthropists investing in these powerful movements for social change.
Read our love letter to feminist movements
Read our love letter to feminist movements ...
A reflection on what we learned and why we do this work

Our Work
Shake the Table bridges philanthropy, government, and movements for racial, gender, and economic justice.
We share knowledge, move resources, convene dialogue, expand networks, and create practical tools. We believe in the power of collective action to create more justice and joy, and work to unlock resources to multiply impact.
We teamed up with the Bridgespan Group to develop “Lighting the Way,” a report and research brief that shares practical guidance on how to find and fund constituency-led feminist movements. Shake the Table and Bridgespan urge philanthropists to invest an additional $1.5 billion annually in feminist movements, or an additional $6 billion by 2026. Specifically, focus unrestricted, multiyear funding in the Global South, as well as resourcing Black, Indigenous, and women, girls, and nonbinary people of color in the Global North, in whose visionary work the philanthropic sector has most dramatically under-invested. Download the report to learn more about this work and be join our call to action.
Shake the Table hosts public dialogues, convenes critical conversations and leads research efforts that lift up insights from movements for economic, gender, youth, and racial justice. We are exploring opportunities for expanding public-private support for grassroots gender equality work with partners like Equality Fund and the Ms. Foundation for Women.